You may have seen our posters around town. You may have wondered who and what we are.....
Basically we are, as our name states, English Speaking Christians of Lefkada. We meet once a month under the leadership of Rev. John Gulland. He comes from Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Kerkyra (Corfu) which serves the English speaking community that lives there and also those passing through on holiday.
The church in Kerkyra and our group here in Lefkada are open to people of all denominations. Our group here has grown slowly but surely over the last five years, firstly guided by its instigator Rev. Clifford Owen and currently by Rev. John Gulland, with the enthusiasm of a few building it into a group of many, seeing more than 50 people taking part in the services offered.
Worship, fellowship and learning combine to make what will hopefully become an important group in our community.
For further information and details of services please contact Jackie on 6936 647 160 (9am-7pm)