Friday, November 30, 2012

New Category on Lefkas Life

A new category...'WORK WANTED / AVAILABLE'...has been added to Lefkas Life.  You can find it on the drop-down list of 'Odds & Bobs'.
If you're looking for work or have work available and want people to know, send an email with full details to and it will be posted there for the world to see.

Just as an aside.... Since it's inception, nearly two years ago, Lefkas Life website has been visited a little over 60,000 times. Not a web sensation but I'm pleased.  The vast majority of visits have, unsurprisingly, been made from people in Greece and the UK. So, if you have anything at all to say that may be of interest or use to the ex-pat community of Lefkas write to Lefkas Life and get it out there.