Friday, October 25, 2013


On October 28th, Greece, Cyprus and other Greek communities worldwide will be celebrating what is known as Greek OXI day. Every year  Greeks have celebrated this event since 1940 when the day was founded. OXI day is a Greek national holiday in Greece.  
You may have noticed groups of school children marching around their playgrounds lately..... they've been practising for the parade which takes place in Lefkas Town
The national holiday was established in 1940 when the Italian Ambassador asked the Greek Prime Minister to have Italian soldiers based in Greece. Prime Minister Ioannis Metaxas said NO (OXI) to the Italian’s request. The Italians invaded and this marked Greece's entry into the 2nd World War. The Greek army went on to fight the Italians out of Greece  until Hitler sent German troops to help the Italians.